Deep-sea courses - freediving

Deep-sea courses
Mastering the skills and techniques of free diving requires putting this into practice. This is what the NDL Free Diver Level II course is dedicated to.
Minimum diving depth for qualification: 10 meters.
The partnership system is a security system.
The real safety of diving can only be guaranteed by the presence of a partner.
A clear plan. Consistent execution. Partner control. Control over your partner. All this is the foundation on which the safety of modern freediving stands. And even shallow depths require these safety measures. In the NDL Free Diver Level II course, you will learn the basics of mutual insurance at shallow depths.
Depth is not the main goal, but nevertheless it beckons. Depth is beauty. Depth is a mystery.
Giving the opportunity to discover this secret is the task of the NDL Free Diver Level III course.
Minimum diving depth for qualification: 20 meters
The main meters are the last meters.
Great depths require additional safety measures: Special attention from a partner. More complex control systems. New rules for coordinating joint actions. In the NDL Free Diver Level III course, you will learn the rules of mutual insurance when making deep-sea dives.
Serious depth means serious security measures.
Freediver certification is your underwater document.
Upon completion of the training, you will receive a freediver's certificate in electronic and plastic form.
On the NDL website, you will be included in the international database of freedivers. In case you forgot the certificate at home, the confirmation can be found directly on the NDL website.
There is no limit to perfection.
After completing deep-sea NDL courses and mastering the skills of mutual insurance during deep dives, you increase the safety and comfort of your dives and your partner's dives. But there is never enough security.
In the NDL Rescue Free Diver course, you will learn how to act in the event of an emergency and, most importantly, how to prevent its occurrence.
At the NDL Master Free Diver course, you will learn information about how breath-holding dives are organized at a professional level. A competent organization is the key to security.